John Hope Franklin - Race and History, Selected Essays
American historian and educator John Hope Franklin (1915-2009) was James B. Duke Professor of History Emeritus and a professor of legal history at Duke Law School. He is best known for his study From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African-Americans written in 1947. While acting as professor of legal history, Franklin wrote Race and History: Selected Essays. As a scholar of African American identity and history, he contributed to the legal brief leading to the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling which outlawed public school segregation in 1954. His impact continues to inspire the Duke and Durham communities through the numerous centers named in his honor as well as the Franklin History Grove in Durham Central Park.
John Hope Franklin, Race and History: Selected Essays, 1938-1988. (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1989), David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.
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