The Scientific Vision of Women

Items on Display at the Exhibition

Works Included in the Exhibition

Hilary Wilson

Wilson, Hillary. Wound Healing: Hemostasis. Digital image courtesy of Hillary Wilson.

Wilson, Hillary. Image of Hilary Wilson. Digital image courtesy of Hillary Wilson.

Wilson, Hillary. Hunting and Nesting of the Female Cicada Killer Wasp. Digital image courtesy of Hillary Wilson.

Jane Richardson

Richardson, Jane. Figure 96. Zn superoxide dismutase. Box 5, Jane and David Richardson Papers, 1969-1992, Duke Medical Center Archives.

Richardson Jane. Various drawings. Jane and David Richardson Papers, 1969-1992, Duke Medical Center Archives.

Richardson, Jane S. "Anatomy and Taxonomy of Protein Structure" Advances in Protein Chemistry 34, (1981): 167-339. Duke University Libraries.

Duke University. Duke Stories, Copyright 2023.

Tai-li Zhang

Photograph of Tai-li Zhang in 6th International Exhibition of Botanical Art and Illustration 8 April to 31 July 1988, by James J. White and Donald E. Wendel. Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation: Pittsburgh, 1988Reproduction.

Zhang, Tai-li. Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo biloba, Paulownia elongata, Begonia x argenteoguttata, in The Shirley Sherwood Collection: Modern Masterpieces of Botanical Art, by Shirley Sherwood. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Printed and bound in the UK by Gomer Press Ltd. London: 2019. Reproduction.

Zhang, Tai-li. Tubocapsicum anomalum and Solanum erianthum [1998], in Flora of China. Illustrations, Volume 17, by Wu Zhengyi and Peter H. Raven, co-chairs of the editorial committee. Beijing: Science Press ; St. Louis : Missouri Botanical Garden, c1998. Duke University Libraries.

Elizabeth McMahan

Photograph of Elizabeth McMahan. Duke, vol. 95 (2009). Durham, N.C.: [Duke University, Office of Alumni Affairs], 2009. Duke University Libraries, reproduction.

McMahan, Elizabeth A. Cammie turns ten. [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: E.A. McMahan, 2001. Rubenstein Library, Duke University.

McMahan, Elizabeth A. Cammie: A Girl for all Seasons. [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: E.A. McMahan, 2000. Rubenstein Library, Duke University.

Odum, Howard T., Elisabeth C. Odum, and Mark T. Brown. Environment and society in Florida. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 1998. Duke University Libraries, Reproductions.

Juana Fernandez de Tuero

Photograph of Juana Ferna’ndez de Tuero.  “La ilustración botánica en la Fundación Miguel Lillo,” by Elena Perilli de Colombres Garmendia, in Historia y Cultura: Centro Cultural Alberto Rouge’s, 2019, No. 4. Reproduction.

Descole, Horacio. Genera et Species Plantarum Argentinarum. Bonis Auris: in aedibus Guillermo Kraft Itda., 1943-1956. Duke University Libraries.

Mary Golda Ross

Reproduction of photograph of Mary Golda Ross, courtesy of the Northeastern State University Special Collections Archives.

Space Flight Handbooks. Volume 3 - Planetary Flight Handbook. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C., 1963. [Private Collection.]

Regina Olson Hughes

Reproduction of photograph of Regina Olson Hughes, courtesy of the Gallaudet Archive.

Agricultural Research Service of the United States Dept. of Agriculture. Common Weeds of the United States. New York: Dover Publications, [1971]. Duke University Libraries.

Else Bostelmann

Beebe, William. "A Half Mile Down: Strange Creatures, Beautiful and Grotesque as Figments of Fancy, Reveal Themselves at Windows of the Bathysphere." National Geographic, December 1934, vol. LXVI, No. 6.] Duke University Libraries.

Photograph of William Beebe and Gloria Hollister and of bathysphere. Beebe, William. Half Mile Down. New York: Duell, SLoan and Pearce, 1951. Duke University Libraries, reproductions.

Mary Ward

Image of Mary: 

Ward, Mary. Microscope teachings: descriptions of various objects of especial interest and beauty adapted for microscopic observation: with directions for the arrangement of a microscope, and the collection and mounting of objects. London: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Row, 1866. Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Ward, Mary. Telescope teachings: a familiar sketch of astronomical discovery: combining a special notice of objects coming within the range of a small telescope, illustrated by the author's original drawings: with a detail of the most interesting discoveries which have been made with the assistance of powerful telescopes, concerning the phenomena of the heavenly bodies, including the recent comet. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1859, Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Florence Nightengale

Kilburn, William. [Florence Nightingale. London, 222 Regent Street, between 1850 and 1865.] Library of Congress,   

Nightingale, Florence. Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army: founded chiefly on the experience of the late war. London : printed by Harrison, 1858. Reproduction.

Nightingale, Florence. Mortality of the British army: at home, at home [sic] and abroad, and during the Russian war, as compared with the mortality of the civil population in England. London: Printed by Harrison and Sons, 1858. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Jane Loudon

Howe, Bea. Lady with Green Fingers: The Life of Jane Loudon. London: Country Life Limited, 1961. Reproduction.

Loudon, Jane. British Wild Flowers. London: William Smith, 1846. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Loudon, J. C. Loudon's encyclopaedia of plants: comprising the specific character, description, culture, history, application in the arts, and every other desirable particular respecting all the plants indigenous to, cultivated in, or introduced into Britain. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1866. Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Delvalle Lowry Varley

Delvalle Elizabeth Rebecca Varley (née Lowry), by Matilda Heming (née Lowry), pencil and watercolor, 1830s, National Portrait Gallery.    

Varley, Delvalle. Conversations on mineralogy. vol. 1. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, Paternoster-Row: and sold by J. Mawe, 149, Strand, 1826. Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Maria Martin Bachman

Holbrook, John Edwards. North American herpetology; or, A description of the reptiles inhabiting the United States. vol. 3. Philadelphia: J. Dobson, 1842. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Olson, Roberta J. M. Audubon’s Aviary: The Original Watercolors for The Birds of America. New York: Skira Rizzoli Publications, Inc., 2012. Duke University Libraries, reproductions.

Maria Martin Bachman, reproduction of photograph from the Charleston Museum.

Orra White Hitchcock

Reproduction of photograph of Orra White Hitchcock, Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Deerfield MA.

Reproduction of Orra White Hitchcock drawing of mastodon maximus skeleton, created [1828-1840]; Drawing in pen and ink; Amherst College Library Digital Collections; Orra White Hitchcock Classroom Drawings Collection.

Reproduction from: Emily Hitchcock Terry: "fungi, selecti picti" (aka "Mushroom Book") by her mother Orra White Hitchcock, 1821, Faculty and staff biographical files, College Archives, CA MS 01008, Smith College Special Collections, Northampton, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts (State). Geological Survey, Plates Illustrating the Geology & Scenery of Massachusetts. Boston: 1833. Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Marie Boivin

Reproduction of portrait of Marie Anne Victoire Boivin; source: Wellcome Collection.  

Reproduction of plan of the Hospice de la Maternité where Boivin practiced and taught midwifery, from Wellcome Collection 22045i, Plate 42       

Boivin, Marie Anne Victoire Gillain. Memorial de l'art des accouchemens, ou, Principes fondés sur la pratique de l'Hospice de la maternité de Paris et sur celle des plus célèbres praticiens nationaux et étrangers : suivis, 1° des aphorismes de Mauriceau; 2° d'une série de 140 gravures représtant le mécanisme de toutes les espèces d'accouchemens : ouvrage placé, par décision ministérielle, au rang des livres classiques à l'usage des élèves de l'Ecole d'accouchemens de Paris.... Paris: Chez Mequignon l’aîné, 1824. Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Jane Marcet

Reproduction from “The woman that inspired Faraday.” Chemistry World, June 2007.

Marcet, Mrs. (Jane Haldimand). Conversations on chymistry: in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and illustrated by experiments and plates. Philadelphia: James Humphreys, 1806. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Marie-Anne Paulze Lavoisier

David, Jacques-Louis. Reproduction of Portrait de Monsieur de Lavoisier et sa femme Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze, 1788. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent. Traité élémentaire de chimie : présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes, avec figures. Paris: Cuchet, 1789. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Reproduction of drawing: Marie-Anne depicts Antoine and assistants conducting an experiment on human respiration while she herself takes notes. Drawn by Marie-Anne-Paulze Lavoisier [1790?], from Wellcome Collection Reference 37197i    

Margaret Bryan

Bryan, Margaret. Lectures on natural philosophy: the result of many years' practical experience of the facts elucidated: with an appendix: containing, a great number and variety of astronomical and geographical problems: also some useful tables, and a comprehensive vocabulary. London: Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars; and sold for the authoress by George Kearsley, Fleet-Street; and James Carpenter, Old Bond Street, 1806. Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Émilie du Châtelet

Reproduction, After Maurice Quentin de la Tour, Portrait of Émilie Du Châtelet, Château Breteuil,   

Du Châtelet, Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise. Institutions de physique. Paris: Chez Prault, 1740.Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Maria Sibylla Merian

Reproduction of painting of Maria Sibylla Merian by Jacob Marell, 1679, Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland.,_1679.jpg

Merian, Maria Sibylla. Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis : in qua origo, pabulum, transformatio, nec non tempus, locus & proprietates erucarum, vermium, papilionum, phalaenarum, muscarum, aliorumque hujusmodi exsanguium animalculorum exhibentur : in favorem, atque insectorum, herbarum, florum, & plantarum amatorum, tùm etiam pictorum, limbolariorum, aliorumque commodum exactè inquisita, ad vivum delineata, typis excusa, compendiosèque descripta. Amsterdam: Joannem Oosterwyk, [1718?] Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

Elizabeth Blackwell

Reproudction from: Delacoux, A. Biographie des sages-femmes célèbres, anciennes, modernes et contemporaines. Paris : Trinquart, 1834.]

Elizabeth Blackwell. A curious herbal : containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick : engraved on folio copper plates after drawings taken from the life. London : Printed for Samuel Harding in St. Martin's-Lane, 1737-9. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.

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