“How can one help but be moved by such volumes as these:” the Josiah Charles Trent Collection in the History of Medicine

Personal Life

Mary and Joe Trent together, looking off to the left.
Mary and Joe Trent seated on a couch with their four daughters.

Josiah Charles Trent was born on August 7, 1941, in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. He was the youngest of four children born to Josiah Charles and Mary Simpson Trent. Physician and friend, John F. Fulton wrote in Dr. Trent’s obituary that “Trent proved a precocious student, graduating from high school with honors at the age of sixteen.”

Dr. Trent attended Duke University as an undergraduate, and received his A.B. degree in 1934. He then attended medical school at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1938. Soon after graduation, he married Mary Duke Biddle on June 24. 

Dr. and Mrs. Trent were parents to four daughters: Mary Duke, Sarah Elizabeth, Rebecca Grey, and Barbara Biddle. 

On December 10, 1948, Dr. Trent died at the age of 34, from cancer.  

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