'I Have No Right to Be Silent' - The Human Rights Legacy of Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer

Settling Into Argentine Life

Meyer Panel 3

Naomi and Marshall were warmly received by the Congregación Israelita. They were furnished with a lovely apartment on Plaza Libertad, on the same block as their new synagogue.

The couple marveled at the differences between Argentina and the United States. Naomi wondered how such a large city could have no stop signs and few working traffic lights. The young couple was also irritated that a promised “Frigidaire” was slow to arrive, and quickly realized even having a telephone was special, even though it worked only sporadically. Marshall and Naomi were soon learning how to maneuver through the vagaries of everyday life in 1960s Buenos Aires: long lines, strikes, high inflation, local Jewish politics, and a low rabbi’s salary.

Instead of leaving after two years as originally planned, the Meyers stayed on indefinitely and welcomed three children in the 1960s: Anita, Dodi, and Gabriel. By 1969 the family became even more settled as Naomi had started her own business manufacturing novelty items. They would occasionally look for opportunities to move to Israel or the United States when things were particularly tough at the synagogue or the economic situation unstable. But for the most part, the Meyers were happily settled and dedicated to building a Jewish community and raising their family in Argentina.

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