Looking In, Looking Out: Writing for the Public Eye


Writing 20 - Students Planting - Photo

Students Planting

Looking In, Looking Out: Writing for the Public Eye is a “Duke Writes” exhibit sponsored by the Thompson Writing Program (TWP) and the E. Rhodes and the Leona B. Carpenter Foundation and curated by Vicki Russell. 

Special thanks to Meg Brown, who found ways to display first year writing in a dynamic, rather than a static way. Heartfelt gratitude to Kristen Neuschel for enthusiastically supporting this project and kudos to Mark Zupan for his creative graphic designs.  Thanks to Lynn Badia and Alex Ruch, who painstakingly edited the final National Day on Writing video, and to the numerous faculty who contributed writing projects from their first year students. Many thanks, in particular, to Denise Comer, Nicolas Eilbaum, Michael Ennis, Steph Jeffries, Lee Anne Reilly, and Katya Wesolowski. Behind the scenes, we had Natalie Vaders, Kelly Again, Michael Daul, Jennifer Blomberg, Margaret Swezey, Melissa Pascoe, Vanessa Turnier, Sunny Oakley, and Tori Polo – all helping to pull the pieces of the exhibit together.

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