Mandy Carter: Scientist of Activism


The Quaker Star

Mandy Carter was born in Albany, New York, and spent most of her childhood in the foster care system. While living at the Schenectady Children’s Home, Carter was introduced to the American Friends Service Committee and Quakerism at her local high school. She volunteered to attend a Quaker work camp for young people to engage in the philosophy of nonviolence, direct action, and social change. It was around this time when she first heard of Bayard Rustin, a Black gay Quaker and activist who was a prominent civil rights leader.

“The Civil Rights Movement- Past and Present” in American Girl Magazine

“The Civil Rights Movement- Past and Present” in American Girl Magazine, New York, NY: Nov. 1977.

“The young people of today may not have lived through that movement, but they are both the beneficiaries and the offspring.” 

-Bayard Rustin, American Girl Magazine, Nov. 1977 

Senior photos of Mandy Carter from Montaneer, Mt. Pleasant High School Yearbook, 1966

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