I Take Up My Pen: 19th Century British Women Writers

Further Reading and Links


The Victorian Web http://www.victorianweb.org/

The Victorian Women Writers Project: https://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/vwwp/welcome.do

The Victorian Research Web http://victorianresearch.org/

Jane Austen Information Page: https://pemberley.com/janeinfo/janeinfo.html

Print Sources

These print sources below can be found in the Duke University Library Catalog. All the items in asterisk (*) are available in online version. Double asterisk (**) items are available in online version temporarily. 

Anderson, Nancy Fix. “The Experience of Motherhood in Early-Victorian England.” Essays in European History: Selected from the Annual Meetings of the Southern Historical Association, 1986-87.  Ed. June K. Burton. London: U P of America, 1989. 49-59.

*Armstrong, Nancy. Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.

**Auerbach, Nina. Communities of Women: An Idea In Fiction. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978.

*Ayres, Brenda, ed. Silent Voices: Forgotten Novels by Victorian Women Writers. Westerport, CT: Praeger, 2003.

**Beer, Patricia. Reader, I Married Him: A Study of the Women Characters of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth Gaskell and George Eliot. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1974.

Boardman, Kay and Shirley Jones, eds. Popular Victorian Women Writers. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2004.

**Cohen, Monica F. Professional Domesticity in the Victorian Novel: Women, Work and Home. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

**Cohen, Paula Marantz. The Daughter's Dilemma: Family Process and the Nineteenth-Century Domestic Novel. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1991.

**Cosslett, Tess. Woman To Woman: Female Friendship in Victorian Fiction. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International, 1988.

*Crosby, Christina. The Ends of History: Victorians and "the Woman Question." New York: Routledge, 1991.

*Cvetkovich, Ann. Mixed Feelings: Feminism, Mass Culture, And Victorian Sensationalism. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1992.

**Easley, Alexis. First-Person Anonymous: Women Writers and Victorian Print Media, 1830-70. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004.

**Felber, Lynette. Clio's Daughters: British Women Making History, 1790-1899. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2007.

*Flint, Kate. The Woman Reader, 1837-1914. Oxford: Clarendon, 1993.

**Foster, Shirley.  Victorian Women's Fiction: Marriage, Freedom, and the Individual. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble, 1985.

*Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979.

Hamilton, Susan. Frances Power Cobbe and Victorian Feminism. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006.

**Harsh Constance D. Subversive Heroines: Feminist Resolutions of Social Crisis in the Condition-of-England Novel. Ann Arbor: Michigan UP, 1994.

Homans, Margaret. Bearing the Word: Language and Female Experience in Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986.

Hughes, Linda K. and Michael Lund. The Victorian Serial. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia,1991.

*Langbauer, Laurie. Women and Romance: the Consolations of Gender in the English Novel. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1990.

**Langland, Elizabeth. Nobody's Angels: Middle-class Women and Domestic Ideology in Victorian Culture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1995.

Ledbetter, Kathryn. British Victorian Women's Periodicals: Beauty, Civilization, and Poetry. New York: Palgrave, 2009.

Leighton, Angela. Victorian Women Poets: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.

**Leighton, Angela. Victorian Women Poets: Writing Against the Heart. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.

**Levine, Philippa. Victorian Feminism 1850-1900. London: Hutchinson, 1987.

Levy, Anita. Other Women: The Writing of Class, Race, and Gender, 1832-1898. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991.

**Mitchell, Sally. The Fallen Angel: Chastity, Class, and Women's Reading 1835-1880. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green U Popular P, 1981.

Morgan, Susan. Sisters in Time: Imagining Gender in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction. New York: Oxford 1989.

**Nestor, Pauline. Female Friendships and Communities: Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell. Oxford: Clarendon, 1985.

Newton, Judith Lowder. Women, Power and Subversion: Social Strategies in British Fiction, 1778-1860. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1981.

Peterson, Linda H. Becoming a Woman of Letters: Myths of Authorship and Facts of the Victorian Market. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2009.

**Poovey, Mary. The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1984.

*Poovey, Mary. Uneven Developments: The Ideological Work of Gender in Mid-Victorian England. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1988.

*Pykett, Lyn. The "Improper" Feminine: The Women's Sensation Novel and the New Woman Writing. New York: Routledge, 1992.

**Randolph, Lyssa. New Woman Writers. Tavistock: Northcote House, 2007.

Sanders, Valerie. 'Women, Fiction, and the Marketplace.' Women and Literature in Britain, 1800-1900. Ed. Joanne Shattock. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. 142 – 161.

Shattock, Joanne, ed. Women and Literature in Britain, 1800-1900. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001.

Showalter, Elaine. A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to Lessing. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1977.

**Stevenson, Catherine Barnes. Victorian Women Travel Writers in Africa. Boston: Twayne, 1982.

**Stubbs, Patricia. Women and Fiction: Feminism and the Novel, 1800-1920.  New York: Barnes and Noble, 1979.

Sutherland, John. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1989.

Sutherland, John. Victorian Fiction: Writers, Publishers, Readers. New York: St Martin's,1995.

Thompson, Nicola Diane, ed. Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Vann, J. Don. Victorian Novels in Serial. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1985.

Warhol, Robyn R. Gendered Interventions: Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel. New Brunswick: Rutgers, 1989.

Williams, Merryn. Women in the English Novel, 1800-1900. New York: St Martin's, 1984.

For more resources, follow these links to subject searches in the Duke University Library Catalog, or ask a librarian:

Feminism and literature--Great Britain--History--19th century

Women and literature--Great Britain--History-19th century

Women's rights--Great Britain--History-19th century

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