CAPTURING THE MOMENT: Centuries of the Passover Haggadah

The Old and the New

Die Darmstädter Pessach Haggadah / The Passover Haggadah of Darmstadt<br />

In the Darmstadt Haggadah the women are holding books and appear to be engaged in discussion. Also note the resemblance of the Seder meal depicted at the bottom of the page to familiar images of the Christian Last Supper.

Die Darmstädter Pessach Haggadah / The Passover Haggadah of Darmstadt
Scribe: Israel son of Meir of Heidelberg
Germany, c. 1430
Manuscript held at the Hesse State and University Library, Darmstadt
Facsimile, Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann, 1927-1928


Hagadah shel Pesah / Haggadah for Passover (Ben Shahn)

In this Haggadah illustrated by Ben Shahn, the artist uses a traditional design of a panel surrounding the text, like that of the above fifteenth-century Haggadah. 

Hagadah shel Pesah / Haggadah for Passover

Calligraphy and illustrations by Ben Shahn
Paris: Defʼus Ṭrianon, 1966


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