Alice Margery New — suffragist

New, Alice Margery
Manuscript narrative of the Great Pilgrimage of 1913
National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies member Alice Margery New joined fifty thousand women and men from across England in the Great Pilgrimage of 1913. It was the largest public demonstration in British history. The NUWSS organized the pilgrimage and march to demonstrate the depth and breadth of support for women’s suffrage. It was the organizers’ intention that their orderly and dignified pilgrimage would serve as a counterpoint to the militant activities of the Women's Social and Political Union. As they traveled and campaigned for the vote, they were frequently met with hostility and violence. Alice New traveled from Birkenhead to London, nearly two hundred miles.
New Family Papers
New, Alice Margery, Manuscript narrative of the Great Pilgrimage of 1913, [1913], Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University. Accessed February 13, 2025,