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Some Reflections upon Marriage
Het begin en den ingang van alle menschen in de wereld, of, Aanmerkingen
An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory: anciently used in the English-Saxon church: giving an account of the conversion of the English from paganism to Christianity translated into modern English, with notes, etc., by Eliz. Elstob
Copy of Lady Holford’s will and codicils
Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis: in qua origo, pabulum, transformatio, nec non tempus, locus & proprietates erucarum, vermium, papilionum, phalaenarum, muscarum, aliorumque hujusmodi exsanguium animalculorum exhibentur: in favorem, atque insectorum, herbarum, florum, & plantarum amatorum, tùm etiam pictorum, limbolariorum, aliorumque commodum exactè inquisita, ad vivum delineata, typis excusa, compendiosèque descripta
Die königl. Preussische und Chur-Brandenb. Hof-Wehe-Mütter, das ist, Ein höchst nöthiger Unterricht von schweren und unrecht-stehenden Geburten in einem Gespräch vorgestellet: wie nemlich, durch göttlichen Beystand, eine wohlunterrichtete Wehe-Mutter mit Verstand und geschickter Hand dergleichen verhüten, oder wanns Noth ist, das Kind wenden könne; durch vieler Jahre Ubung selbst erfahren und wahr befunden: nun aber Gott zu Ehren und dem nechsten zu Nutz, auf gnädigst- und inständiges Verlangen durchläuchtigst- und vieler hohen Standes-Personen verbessert, mit einem Anhange heilsamer Arzney-Mittel, und mit denen dissfals erregten Controvers-Schriften vermehret
The woman's labour: an epistle to Mr. Stephen Duck, in answer to his late poem The thresher's labour: to which are added, the three wise sentences taken from the first book of Esdras, ch. III and IV
Woman not inferior to man, or, A short and modest vindication of the natural right of the fair-sex to a perfect equality of power, dignity, and esteem with the men
Hebdomadario trino, exercicios devotos, y obsequiosos desagravios a la Santissima, Amabilissima, y Missericordiosissima Trinidad: por la execrable ingratitud y grossero olvido de los mortales en el mas pronto obsequio, devocion, y agradecimiento debido à tan soberano mysterio
A discourse occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Nathaniel Clap: pastor of a church at Newport on Rhode-Island, on October 30 1745, in the 78th year of his age
Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventu' italiana
[Colonial currency]
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral
The Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland
Mémoires de Mademoiselle de Montpensier: fille de Gaston d'Orléans, frere de Louis XIII, roi de France
Fair copy of memoir
Abrégé de l'art des accouchemens
Manuscript summons for witnesses against “Hannah a negro woman”
Poems, on Several Occasions
Verses: Affixed to the Bills of Mortality for the Town of Northampton, 21 December 1787
L'entrée de l'Empereur Sigismond a Mantouë: gravé en vingt cinq feuilles, d'après une longue frise exécutée en stuc dans le palais du T. de la même ville, sur un dessin de Jules Romain
Letters on Education: With Observations on Religious and Metaphysical Subjects
Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq., on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade
La Chevalière d’Eon
Original Stories from Real Life, With Conversations, Calculated to Regulate the Affections, and Form the Mind to Truth and Goodness
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects
Letters containing a sketch of the politics of France: from the thirty-first of May 1793, till the twenty-eighth of July 1794, and of the scenes which have passed in the prisons of Paris
A Plan for the Conduct of Female Education in Boarding Schools
Letter to Ruth Barlow
A Compendious System of Astronomy [...]
[Metamorphosis book]
February 28, 2019 – June 15, 2019Duke University Libraries
December 11, 2019 – February 8, 2020Grolier Club, New York City