Early Studies in Parapsychology at Duke

J.B. Rhine to C.G. Jung July, 1946

Typed words on yellowing paper

J.B. Rhine to C.G. Jung July 1946, Parapsychology Laboratory Records.

Dear Dr. Jung:

I have just received the answers to my questions which you kindly sent me through your secretary. I am very glad to have these, and they will be appreciated too by the members of the staff of this Laboratory, where you and your work are held in great respect.

Have you the time and the inclination to incorporate these answeres with some expansion, perhaps, into an article which we could publish in our Journal of Parapsychology? It is extremely important that we give our readers (and ourselves) a sound psychological setting for these exceptional parapsychological manifestations with which our research is concerned.

I am glad to learn that you still have the breadknife in your possession. What have you in mind to do with it? Are members of your family interested in it as an object of scientific interest? We have a small exhibit here in our Laboratory which will, of course, grow through the years. I doubt if there is any place in the world where your breadknife would be more appreciated or made better use of. If you ever feel disposed to place it anywhere to insure its being properly taken care of, please keep our institution in mind.

I hope you are enjoying good health.

Best wishes,


J.B. Rhine

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