Animated Anatomies: The Human Body in Anatomical Texts from the 16th to 21st Centuries
Bibliography of Flap Books
This is not an exhaustive bibliography-please feel free to send items not found on this list. Contact Meg Brown ( with bibliographic information.
On Display in Perkins Gallery
Fugitive Sheets
Vogtherr, Heinrich. [Anothomia, oder abconterfettung eines Weybs leyb / wie er innwendig gestaltet ist.] Strasbourg, 1539.Carlino, A. Paper Bodies, 4.
Lang, Georg. Anathomia oder Abcontrafectung eines // Manns Leib wie er inwendig gestalt ist. Nuremberg, 1594. Carlino, A. Paper Bodies, 42.
Stent, Peter. Interirvm corporis HV pervtilis anatomes inte. London, 1658. Carlino, A. Paper Bodies, 53.
Bound Volumes
Thurneisser zum Thurn, Leonhard. Bebaiōsis agōnismou. Berlin : Im Grauwen Closter, 1576.;
Bartisch, George. Ophthalmodouleia, das ist Augendienst... [Dreszden : Matthes Stöckel], 1583
Remmelin, Johann. Catoptrum microcosmicum, suis aere incisis visionibus splendens, cum historia, & pinace, de novo prodit ... Augustae Vindelicorum [Augusburg] : Typis Davidis Francki, 1619.
Minniti, Francesco. Armonia astro-medico-anotomica; o' sia, Colleganza degl'astri con il microcosmo, e di questo con i vegetabili, con un'appendice della nautica, ed in calce un raccolto di arcani esperimentati. Venetia, Gio. Francesco Valvasense, 1690.
* von Hellwig, Christoph. Nosce te ipsum, vel, Anatomicum vivum... Frankfurt und Leipzig: Hieronimo Philippo, 1720.
*Tuson, Edward. Myology, illustrated by plates. Second edition. London: Callow and Wilson, 1828.
* Hollick, Frederick. Outlines of anatomy & physiology, illustrated by a new dissected plate of the human organization and by separate views. Philadelphia, T.B. Peterson, 1847.
Spratt, G. (George). Obstetric tables : comprising graphic illustrations, with descriptions and practical remarks : exhibiting on dissected plates many important subjects in midwifery. Philadelphia : Wagner & M'Guigan, 1847
* Cuyer, Edouard. Le corps humain, structures et fonctions. Formes extérieures, reÌgions anatomiques, situation, rapports et usages des appareils et organes qui concourent au mécanisme de la vie. (Paris: Librairie J. B. Bailliere et Fils, 1879.
Witkowski, G.-J. (Gustave Joseph). La generation humaine. Paris : H. Lauwereyns, 1880.
Witkowski, Gustave Joseph. Human anatomy and physiology. A movable atlas showing the mechanism of vision. The eye. The organs of vision: their structure and functions. London : Baillière, Tindall & Cox, [1880?-1889].
Witkowski, Gustave Joseph. Human anatomy and physiology. A movable atlas of the human body (neck and trunk) showing the positions of the internal organs. The human body (neck and trunk): its form and functions. London : Baillière, Tindall & Cox, [1880?-1889].
Physicians' anatomical aid : patented. Chicago : Western Pub. House, [ca. 1880-1890].
Platen, M. Supplement zu Platen, Die neue Heilmethode : Lehrbuch der naturgemässen Lebensweise, der Gesundheitspflege und derarzneilosen Heilweise. Berlin : Bong, [1900].
Hollick, Frederick. The origin of life and process of reproduction in plants and animals : with the anatomy and physiology of the human generative system, male and female, and the causes, prevention and cure of the special diseases to which it is liable; a plain practical treatise, for popular use. Philadelphia, D.McKay, c1902.
* Platen, M. Livre d'or de la santé : méthode nouvelle, compleÌète et pratique de la médecine naturelle et de l'hygiène privée permettant de traiter soi-même les maladies ... 2nd edition. Paris : Bong & Cie, [1909]
* Librairie Jules Tallandier. Atlas d'anatomie du corps humain et des plantes médicinales. Paris : Librairie illustrée Jules Tallandier, éditeur, [1910?] (Also listed in worldcat as “other tile” MuseÌe secret d'anatomie humaine. Plantes médicinales)
* Fischer, Anna. La femme médicin du foyer. Ouvrage d’hygiène et de médecine familiale. Paris: Maison d’Éditions Populaires, 1933.
Miller, Jonathan. The Human Body. New York: The Viking Press, 1983
On Display In History Of Medicine Gallery
The Four Seasons of Humanity. [c.1680-1690]. Carlino, A. Paper Bodies, 57.
Tuson, Edward. Myology, illustrated by plates. Second edition. London: Callow and Wilson, 1828.
Howard, Thomas. On the loss of teeth and on the best means of restoring them. London: Simpkin and Marshall, 1858
Delafield, Francis. A manual of physical diagnosis. New York : Wood, 1878.
Lyman, Henry M. The Practical home physician : a popular guide for the household management of disease : giving the history, cause, means... Chicago, Ill. : Western Pub. House, 1884.
Witkowski, G.-J. (Gustave Joseph). Human anatomy and physiology. London : Baillière, Tindall & Cox, [1880?-1889]. Hand (atlas and text); foot (atlas and text); brain; skull; arm; knee; tooth; tongue, pharynx, and larynx,
Richardson, Joseph Gibbons. Medicology, or, Home encyclopedia of health : a complete family guide ... New York : University Medical Society, 1904. Vol. I
llustrations from Rare Medical Books in the collection o f the armed forces medical library, history of medicine division. Chicago, IL: Abbott Laboratories, 1953.
History of Ophthalmology: The Monographs. Ophthalmodouleia. Ostend, Belgium : J.-P. Wayenborgh, c1996.
Flap Books Not in the Exhibit
Robinson, Victor ed., Manikins. Supplement to The New Modern Home Physician (no date),
Vogtherr, Heinrich. Anothomia, oder abconterfettung eines // Mans leyb / wie er innwendig gestaltet ist. Strasbourg, 1539. Carlino, A. Paper Bodies, 4.
** Remmelin, Johann. Kleiner Welt Spiegel : das ist, Abbildung Göttlicher Schöpffung an dess Menschen Leib, mit beygesetzter schrifftlicher Erklärung. Ulm : Gedruckt durch Johann Ulrich Schönigk, in Verlag Johann Remmelins, 1632.
** Remmelin, Johann. Pinax microcosmographicus in quo certissimum anatomiae compendium proponitur. Amsterdam : Joost Broer for Cornelis Dancker, 1634.
Descartes, René. De homine: figuris et Latinitate donatus a Florentio Schuyl. Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden] : Apud Franciscum Moyardum & Petrum Leffen, 1662.
** Remmelin, Johann. A survey of the microcosme, or, The anatomy of the bodies of man and woman. London : Printed for D. Midwinter, 1738.
Comte, Joseph Achille. Physiologie pour les collèges et les gens du monde, expliquée, sur onze planches, à l'aide de figures découpées et superposées. Paris, Librairie scientifique de Crochard, 1834.
Vermot, M ed., Atlas Anatomique du Docteur Vernon. Paris: no date [1890].
Hollick, Frederick. Outlines of anatomy and physiology for popular use. Philadelphia : National Pub. Co., 1846.
** The Cottage physician for individual and family use : prevention, symptoms and treatment ...Springfield, Mass. : King-Richardson, 1896, c1895
** Furneaux, William S. Dr. Minder's anatomical manikin of the human body ; an illustrated representation with full and descriptive text. New York : American ThermoWare, [190-?].
Schmitz, Laurenz. Illustriertes Hauslexikon für Gesunde und Kranke. München: Schuh, 1904.
Amadon, Alfred Mason. Atlas of physiology and anatomy of the human body; a series of colored plates with parts overlaid to show dissections, with descriptive matter prepared for schools. Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1906.
Robinson, Victor, ed., The Modern Home Physician: A New Encyclopedia of Medical Knowledge. New York: WM.H. Wise & Company, 1939.
Ganeri, Anita. Alive: The Living, breathing human body book. New York : DK Publishing, 2007.
Girouard, Patrick, ill. Young explorers human body. Cottage Farm: Igloo Books, Ltd., 2010.
Secondary Sources
Carlino, Andrea. Paper bodies : a catalogue of anatomical fugitive sheets, 1538-1687. London : Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1999.
Choulant, Ludwig. History and bibliography of anatomic illustration in its relation to anatomic science and the graphic arts. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1920.
Crummer, LeRoy. “A checklist of anatomical books illustrated with cuts with superimposed flaps”, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. April; 20(4): 131–139, 1932.
Lindberg, Sten G. "Mobiles in Books: Volvelles, Inserts, Pyramids, Divinations, and Children's Games." The Private Library, 3rd series 2.2: 49, 1979.
Schmidt, Suzanne Karr. Altered and Adorned: Using Renaissance Prints in Daily Life, with Kimberly Nichols, Chicago, IL, The Art Institute of Chicago (April 30-July 10, 2011)/New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 2011.
Schmidt, Suzanne Karr. Dissertation. Art—A User's Guide: Interactive and Sculptural Printmaking in the Renaissance. 2006.
Walker, Gay. Eccentric Books: an exhibit from the Yale University Library collections, January-March 1988,. New Haven: Yale University Library, 1988.
*These items loaned by the curators of the exhibit.
**These items are located in the History of Medicine Collections.
Please feel free to add items not found on this list. Contact Meg Brown ( with bibliographic information.
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