Below are a range of advertisements and publications that span the century of N.C. Mutual's early development from the early-to-mid twentieth century.
Advertisement for C.C. Spaulding Speaking Engagement, 1919.
Cover of N.C. Mutual Annual Statement, 1908.
Advertisement of insurance payments, 1920.
Medical Brochure by NC Mutual, 1920s.
Promotional materials from the 1930s.
Promotional Pamphlet for the Thriftmaster Policy, 1940s.
Article published on the Mutual Florida Office, 1923.
Glossary of insurance items for employees, 1970s.
N.C. Mutual employees manual, 1952.
Annual Statement featuring children of employees, 1921.
Lou Rawls Reception write-up in The Whetstone.
Article on "second generation" of N.C. Mutual leadership.
The Mutual Newsletter (1923), featuring John M. Avery.
Employee Recruitment Advertisement, 1950s.
This digital collection features selected images of employees, office buildings, and other subjects that document the company's long history. The images form part of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company Archives, which were donated to and are administered jointly by Duke University and North Carolina Central University.
For more information about this digital collection, please contact Andre Vann, Coordinator of University Archives, North Carolina Central University at
or John B. Gartrell, Director of the John Hope Franklin Research Center, Duke University at
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